Jeff Sorensen | JR Automation Technologies, LLC | 12688 New Holland St. Holland, MI 49424
Mechanical Engineer | | 616.335.7334
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A proud member of Huizenga Group
From: Jeff Sorensen
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 8:24 AM
To: 'Ed Sithes'
Subject: RE: New Cell Proposal
What is the status of a print of the inlet flange that will be used to attach the duct lines to the front of the cell? I would like to get the adapter plate designed in the next week or two.
Jeff Sorensen
From: Ed Sithes [] On Behalf Of Ed Sithes
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:55 AM
To: Jeff Sorensen
Subject: Re: New Cell Proposal
The height will not change the price. The second install was not priced out for Mexico and was not caught until yesterday. Cynthia provided pricing for Michigan and travel cost's are higher to Mexico. She has indicated the cost is $3,235.00 higher simply due to travel and expenses associated with Mexico.
I have asked for the manufacturer of the cylinders and should have this back shortly.
Ed Sithes - President
Avani Environmental Intl., Inc.
Cell: (919) 971-2017
Office: (919) 488-5161
From: Jeff Sorensen <>
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:44 AM
To: Ed Sithes <>
Subject: RE: New Cell Proposal
I am in the process of writing the purchase requisition and passing it through the team for approval. In the meantime, can you please address a couple things:
1. Update the second install line item confirming the install is in Matamoros, Mexico
2. Confirm the cylinder manufacturer on the air gates, and if possible, change to SMC if not already.
After you receive the purchase order, I will work through the fine details we would like to hone, mainly the height of the main duct, which will become shorter, so it shouldn’t lead to an increase in cost on your end.
Thank you,
Jeff Sorensen
From: Ed Sithes []
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 10:37 AM
To: Jeff Sorensen
Subject: Re: New Cell Proposal
The (2) installations are as follows:
Install (JRI)
Install the dust collector, roll media, ducting, bast gates and the air lines to the blast gates. The only item not included is the electrical, however our panel is complete so you only need to pull 460V to the panel. The first install is in Michigan.
The ducting will be installed using the cell for support, so duct cradles will have to be used. This is basically a 1/2 moon the duct sits in and a strap goes over the top of the ducting to secure into the cradle.
Install (JCI)
This is to install the complete system at JCI minus electrical. The install takes less time as the ducting is already cut, sized and can be move in sections versus pieces. This install is in Mexico.
The duct runs, elbows, branches, etc. will be provided via AutoCAD for your approval. You should be able to take these and produce a 3-D version. This drawing will also show the inlet spark arrestor.
From: Jeff Sorensen <>
Date: Monday, June 17, 2013 10:02 AM
To: Ed Sithes <>
Subject: RE: New Cell Proposal
A couple questions:
· I see (2) line items for the install. What do each represent in more detail? Is one for set up at JR, and another for install at JCI Matamoros Mexico?
· Do you have a print of the inlet duct work & its spark arrestor?
· Is the ducting self-supporting, or will brackets be required? Plenty of space to mount down to our machine, no access to ceiling of plant available.
I will look around K&B’s website (I believe this is where your ductwork comes from?). I’m trying to get an idea of the duct runs, elbows, tees, and transitions so I can model up the layout in 3D.
Jeff Sorensen
From: Ed Sithes []
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 5:56 PM
To: Jeff Sorensen
Subject: New Cell Proposal
The attached quote is based on the new cell layout. We have quoted everything but electrical. I am in on Monday if you have any questions
Ed Sithes
(919) 570-2862, office
(919) 488-5161, direct
(919) 570-2863, fax
(919) 971-2017, cell