Duer/Carolina Coil Inc.

Work Instructions

W20801.Personal Protective Equipment

Purpose: Personal Protective Equipment is required for the safety and welfare of our employees.

Scope: All employees of the company are expected to comply with the required safety equipment listed in this work instruction and ensure that guests and outside contractors comply as well.


  1. Failure to comply with this work instruction may result in disciplinary action.
  2. This list of Personal Protective Equipment is reviewed and certified to be correct by the Manufacturing Manager on the date published below.


  1. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment.


  1. Each employee is responsible to follow this work instruction.
  2. Each Supervisor is responsible to enforce this work instruction.

Task Description:

  1. The following equipment must be worn as described below:
  2. Equipment

    Where & When Required

    Safety glasses

    Entire plant production areas, including inspection and Magnaflux, at all times.

    Regular prescription glasses are not acceptable and all glasses must have permanent side shields.

    Shaded safety glasses may only be worn by individuals burning or cutting.

    Safety Shoes w/ steel toes

    All Duer/Carolina Coil employees in all plant production areas at all times.

    Closed Toed Shoes, low heeled shoes All visitors in production areas.

    Safety Goggles

    • When transporting hazardous liquids such as acetone, xylene or mineral spirits.
    • When dumping dust, swarf, scale and scrap into large waste hoppers in the outside lean-to area.
    • May be worn as a substitute for face shields.

    Face Shields

    • When hand grinding, nipping, deburring.

    • Loading operator at the entrance to the 2 Wheel Thru-feed shotpeener.

    • Operating Dry Ice Blaster or Pressure Washer.

    • Cleaning parts in the Maintenance Parts Washer.

    Safety Gloves

    Entire plant whenever transferring hazardous liquids.

    Ear Protection

    Building C – Areas adjacent to the grinders when running.

    Building D – All production areas, except magnaflux.

    Safety Belt

    Entire plant for anyone working 15 feet above ground without a fixed platform with guard rails.

    Leather Work Gloves

    Production areas from Shotpeen to Finishing.

    Hot Mill or other work gloves

    Production areas up to Shotpeen.

    Disposable dust mask

    Color changes in the Powder Coat Booth and during cleaning operations as needed.

    Chemical Resistant/Nitrile Apron and/or Suit and Glasses When conducting Wet Magnetic Particle Inspections.

    Paper sleeves must not be worn as they cause kerosene to stay next to the skin and may cause burns. Talc or other personal powder may be used to lubricate the gloves for comfort.

    Long Pants All times in All Areas.
    Shaded Goggles or Safety glasses and long sleeves When burning or cutting with a torch.
  3. In all areas of the plant, employees should not wear loose or torn clothing or jewelry that may be caught in a machine. Shirts should be tucked in, shoelaces tied and long hair pulled back.
  4. Employees are not required to wear PPE during their initial entrance to the plant prior to work or their last exit of the day. Employees must proceed directly to their destination as any delay increases the risk of injury.  Employees should wear clothing that is appropriate for an industrial environment. 
  5. All PPE must comply with American National Standards Institute standards.
  6. An employee may exceed the above requirements for personal comfort or in the event of a unique, short term hazard.
  7. For non-standard activities, such as maintenance, cleaning or welding, the employee is responsible to wear appropriate PPE to provide adequate protection from injuries.  The employee is encouraged to think of all possible hazards.  The employee should review their decision with a co-worker to improve the probability that all important factors are considered.
  8. Hazards identified in plant operational areas:
    1. Flying Particles: Sawdust, metal filings, metal chips
    2. Moving Objects: machinery, fork lifts, cranes
    3. Light Radiation: furnaces, welding
    4. Sharp Objects: metal bars, edges of machinery and equipment, knives
    5. Harmful Dust: powdered paint, sawdust, metal dust, metal coatings, floor sweepings
    6. Liquid Chemicals: oils, solvents, cleaning agents, paint
    7. High Temperature: welding, cutting, furnaces, worked parts, shotpeen
    8. Falling Objects: steel bars
    9. Electrical: wiring to all machines
    10. Harmful Vapors: paint fumes, solvents

Related Documents:

  1. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.132








Rick Eitel




Rick Eitel




Steve Wunder


W20801.Personal Protective Equipment